I still have a craving for comfort foods like pancakes and waffles. One thing I love about The Paleo Diet is that isntead of cutting things out of your diet forever and feeling deprived you can actually just make simple modifications and it will
taste so close to the original you uwill never notice the difference.

I have been on such a pear kick lately. They are in season and cheap. I have also made Paleo Blueberry Pancakes in the past so I decided why not experiment with both. The last time I made Blueberry Pancakes they were soggy and turned the entire pancake blue. Pretty? Yes. Soggy? Not my favorite texture.
I decided this time I would make a Pear and Blueberry reduction for the syrup instead of incorporating it into the Paleo Blueberry Pear Pancakes.
Total tangent right now and I will touch on this later but as much as I love fat and sugar and find it necessary I do believe everything in moderation. Making Paleo pancakes then covering them with Agave syrup, honey, and almond butter. Not healthy. I will write an article about the difference soon. Anyways here is my Paleo Blueberry Pear Pancake Recipe.
Paleo Blueberry Pear Pancakes
Batter Recipe:
1/2 Cup Almond Flour
1/4 Cup unsweetened Applesauce
1/2 tsp Vanilla Extract
1/2 tsp Cinnamon
1/4 tsp Baking Powder
Combine all ingredients. Turn heat on low and add batter like you would a normal pancake. Flip when the batter stops making tiny bubbles.
Syrup Reduction:
1/2 Pear
1/2 cup of Frozen Blueberries
1 tsp Agave Syrup
1 tbs Water
Cut the pear half into cubes add to a pan along with the blueberries. Add the remaining ingredients. let boil and then bring to a simmer for about 5 minutes. Serve on top of the Pancakes or along side.
Enjoy these Paleo Blueberry Pear Pancakes. Enjoy!
tags:pear pancake recipe,pear topping for pancakes,pear pancakes jamie oliver,healthy pear pancakes,pear sauce for pancakes,jamie oliver pancakes recipe,apple pancakes